Su Kim
email: suvlish (at) gmail (dot) com


◾ Education
2014 Masters of Fine Arts, Design | Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles
2011 Post Baccalaureate Graduate Studio, Art and Technology, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
2006 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Architects, and Design, Kookmin University, Seoul

◾ Awards / Grant / Fellowship
2021 Grantee, International Artist-in-Residence; SymbioticA, Australia, Arts Council Korea, Seoul
2019 Grantee, Creative Science and Arts Project, The Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, Seoul
2018 Grantee, Arts Project: Interdisciplinary Arts , Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul
2017 Grantee, GAS 2017: Getting Artistic Contents with Science 2017, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, Seoul
2013 Best Vision, Microsoft Award, Collaborate with Rafik Anadol,Jae Hyuck Bea, Microsoft, Seattle
2012 Graduate Research Fellowship, Design Media Arts of the University of California, Los Angeles

◾ Exhibition
2024.8.9 - 8.23.aaaaaah! Group Exhibition, School of Machines, Kunstquartier Bethanian, Berlin, GR  
2020.11.4. FRUITING BODY: Pop-up Exhibition, Building 37, Roskilde University, DK
2019.6.21.-6.28. BLOOD, Seoul Art Space Mullae, Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and ICT, The Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, Seoul (Solo)
2018.10.16.-10.30. POST SURFACE, Post territory Ujeongguk Gallery, Sponsored by the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul
2018.9.30. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT || INTELLIGENT ART: Post Surface, Project room VERA the School of Art and Design gallery, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen
2017.8.10.-11.26. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT AND CREATIVITY, Sponsored by the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, Seoul
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT AND CREATIVITY Ⅱ, 2017.9.23.-10.1. Seoul Museum of Art-SeMA Storage
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT AND CREATIVITY Ⅰ,2017.8.10.-8.15.Korea Science Festival: Media arts, Kintex
2014.5.15.-5.29. MFA THESIS EXHIBITION 2014, New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles
2013.10.7.-10.24. PREFIX: UCLA Media Arts MFA Fall Exhibition, New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles
2013.8.22.-8.29. EXPOSURE, Duo exhibition, Experimental Digital Arts, Los Angeles
2013.4.25.-5.6. INCIDENCE Exhibition, Design Matters Gallery, Los Angeles
2013.4.18.-4.20. UCFemTechNet; Feminist Infrastructures and Techno-cultures An assembly on feminism &technology hosted by UCFemTechNet, University of California of San Diego
2012.12.5.-12.23. AN EXPLORATORY OF COMMUNITY, The Chang-dong National Art Studio, Sponsored by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul
2012.3.29.-3.30. MIKE AND LISTENING Performance_Sound Art Lab, Seo Gyo Arts Center, Sponsored By Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture, Seoul
2011.10.15.-11.5. A TESTIMONY TO BEING, Swedish Covenant Hospital, Sponsored by the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust., Chicago

◾ Teaching and Research Experience
2022.04-2022.06. Invited Artist, SymbioticA Residency, University of Western Australia, Australia (Delayed due to COVID19)
2019.9.-2021.11. Visiting Artist at Bio Fab Lab, Roskilde University, Denmark
2019.7.-Current.  Artistic research Project, Bio Art Seoul Collective (Founder)
2018.4.26. Lecturer, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Culture, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, S.Korea
2017.12. Lecturer, OPEN BIO WORKSHOP - BIO ART(6 sessions), Seoul Museum of Science, S.Korea
2016.12.16. Panel, Forum OPEN TECHNOLOGY AND OUR LIVES; OPEN BIO LAB AND CULTURE, Gwangju Center for Creative Economy & Innovation, S.Korea
2016.3.-2018.4. Lecturer, Fab Lab Gwangju, S.Korea
3D scanning and printing workshop(Weekly. 2017.3.-2018.4.)
Prototype Academy(15sessions, 2017.5.-2017.7)
Prototype Academy(15sessions, 2016.7.-2016.9.)
3D printing workshop(10sessions, 2016.3.-2016.12. )
2015.10.-2015.11. Lecturer, Prototype Academy(15sessions), Fab Lab Gwangju, S.Korea
2014.6.-2015.6. Lecturer, 3D Digital Modeling, College of Design at Kookmin University, S.Korea
2012.9.-2014.4. Graduate Researcher, the Art|Sci Center, Los Angeles
2013.2.-2013.6. TA, Digital Drawing(DESMA23), Dept. Design | Media Arts, UCLA, Lecturer. Noa Kplan, Los Angeles
2013.2.23. TA, Print, Paper, Process: Marbling and Technology Workshop, Hammer Museum, Prof. Casey Reas, Los Angeles
2012.9 - 2012.12. TA, Art, Science, and Technology(DESMA9), Dept. Design | Media Arts, UCLA, Prof. Victoria Vesna, Los Angeles
2012.9. - 2012.12. TA, Digital Drawing (DESMA23), Dept. Design | Media Arts, UCLA, Lecturer. Noa Kplan, Los Angeles
2011.11.20. Lecturer, In Search of New Dimensions_11th Public lecture series, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago


◾ 교육
❏ 2014 석사, Design | Media Arts, 로스엔젤레스 캘리포니아 주립대학(UCLA), 미국
❏ 2011 학사후 프로그램, Graduate studio in Art and Technology, 시카고 예술 대학(SAIC), 미국
❏ 2006 학사, 공간디자인, 국민대학교, 한국

◾ 수상 및 지원
❏ 2021 예술가 해외레지던시 프로그램 지원사업 다원분야 호주 심바이오티카 레지던시, 한국문화예술위원회, 한국
❏ 2021 초청예술가, 심바이오티카 레지던시, SymbioticA Lab, 서호주대학교, 호주
❏ 2019 융복합 창제작 프로젝트 지원사업, 한국과학창의재단, 한국
❏ 2018 유망예술지원사업: 다원분야, 서울문화재단, 한국
❏ 2017 Getting Artistic Contents with Science 2017, 한국과학창의재단, 한국
❏ 2013 Best Vision: Media art, Microsoft Award, 마이크로소프트, 시애틀, 미국
❏ 2012 지역연계창작프로젝트, 창동레지던시, 국립현대미술관, 한국
❏ 2012 GRS 장학금, 로스엔젤레스 캘리포니아 주립대학(UCLA), 미국

◾ 전시 및 프로그램
❏ 2024.8.9 - 8.23. aaaaaah! School of Machines 단체전, Kunstquartier Bethanien 베를린, 독일
❏ 2022.06. 아티스트 토크, 심바이오티카, 서호주대학교, 호주 (Covid19 연기)
❏ 2020.11.4. FRUITING BODY: Pop-up Exhibition, Building 37, 로스킬데대학교, 덴마크
❏ 2019.6.21.-6.28. WONDERLAND: BLOOD, 서울문래예술공장, 한국과학창의재단 후원, 한국 (개인전)
❏ 2018.10.16.-10.30. POST SURFACE, 탈영역우정국, 서울문화재단 후원, 한국
❏ 2018.9.30. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT || INTELLIGENT ART: Post Surface, Project room VERA the School of Art and Design gallery, 코펜하겐 대학교 후원, 덴마크
❏ 2017.8.10.-11.26. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CREATIVITY, 한국과학창의재단 후원, 한국
❏ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CREATIVITY Ⅲ, 2017.11.16.-11.26. Platform L gallery
❏ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CREATIVITY Ⅰ, 2017.8.10.-8.15.한국과학창의축전: 미디어아트,
❏ 2014.5.15.-5.29. MFA THESIS EXHIBITION 2014, New Wight Gallery, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2013.10.7.-10.24. PREFIX:, New Wight Gallery, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2013.8.22.-8.29. EXPOSURE, Experimental Digital Arts, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2013.4.25.-5.6. INCIDENCE, Design Matters Gallery, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2013.4.18.-4.20. UCFemTechNet; Feminist Infrastructures and Techno-cultures An assembly on feminism
&technology hosted by UCFemTechNet, 샌디에고 캘리포니아주립대학교, 미국
❏ 2012.12.5.-12.23. 들숨날숨; 지역연계 프로젝트, 창동레지던시,국립현대미술관, 한국
❏ 2012.3.29.-3.30. 마이크앤리스닝, 사운드 아트랩, 서교예술센터, 서울문화재단, 한국
❏ 2011.10.15.-11.5. A TESTIMONY TO BEING, Swedish Covenant Hospital Hall, Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust.재단 후원, 시카고, 미국

◾ 강의 및 연구 경력
❏ 2022.4.- 2022. 6. 심바이오티카 레지던시 초청예술가, 서호주대학교, 호주
❏ 2019.7.- 2021.11. The biological garden 프로젝트 실험 및 조사, 덴마크
❏ 2020.10.21.- 11.4. Our Companion Mushroom workshop(3 회), Bio fab lab, Roskilde 대학교, 덴마크
❏ 2019.9.- 2020.12. Visiting Artist at Bio fab lab, Roskilde 대학교, 덴마크
❏ 2017.12. Open Bio 워크숍 (6회), 고려대학교 생명공학부 최인걸 교수 협업, 서울시립과학관, 한국
❏ 2016.3.-2018.4. Open Lab Academy, 팹랩 광주, 한국
❏ 2017.3.-2018.4. BODY: 3D scanning and printing workshop (20 회), 팹랩 광주, 한국
❏ 2017.5.-2017.7 프로토타이핑 워크숍 - 15회, 팹랩 광주, 한국
❏ 2016.7.-2016.9 Prototype Academy workshop- 15회, 팹랩 광주, 한국
❏ 2016.3.-2016.12. 3D printing workshop- 10회, 팹랩 광주, 한국
❏ 2015.10.-2015.11. Prototype Academy(15회), 팹랩 서울, 한국
❏ 2014.6.-2015.6. 3D Digital Modeling, 국민대학교 조형대학, 한국
❏ 2012.9.-2014.4. Graduate Researcher, the Art|Sci Center, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2013.2.-2013.6. TA, Digital Drawing(DESMA23), Dept. Design | Media Arts, UCLA, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2013.2.23. TA, Print, Paper, Process: Marbling and Technology Workshop, Hammer Museum, Prof. Casey Reas, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2012.9 - 2012.12. TA, Art, Science, and Technology(DESMA9), Dept. Design | Media Arts, UCLA, Prof. Victoria Vesna, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2012.9. - 2012.12. TA, Digital Drawing (DESMA23), Dept. Design | Media Arts, UCLA, 로스엔젤레스, 미국
❏ 2011.11.20. In Search of New Dimensions_11th Public lecture series, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 미국
© Su Hyun Kim with Guhmsoon and Mushi
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